Materials designed for the future

Innovation by Materials

Creating New Values

a global R&D network

Challenging to the future of automobiles

Reliable production engineering

We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

About company

SumiRiko Poland Sp. z o. o. is part of the Sumitomo Riko Group. The history of our company begins in 1999, when it was decided to establish a production plant in Poland.


Responsible company


Sumitomo Riko Group is a world leading manufacturer of rubber automotive parts. The products we manufacture can be found in the majority of passenger cars. Thanks to our global R&D and production network, we can supply high quality products to customers in the automotive industry worldwide.


We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In September 2015, We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in order to realize the sustainable society "leave no one behind", and efforts to address social issues on a global scale have been expected, and the situation related to CSR has changed dramatically. In June 2023, we revised the former mid-term vision "Sumitomo Riko Group Vision (2029V)" with the aim of creating social value and achieving sustainable growth together with society by simultaneously enhancing corporate value represented by financial objective and public value presented by non-financial objectives.


Grupa Sumitomo Riko-2029 Vision



Environment: CO2 Emissions  Reduction by 20% in 2025 (scope 1+2) compared to FY2018


Environment: Waste Reduction by 3% in 2025 (compared to discharge rate in FY2022)


Society: Zero occupational accident


Society: Copliance: Participation rate of global executive training shall be 100%

SumiRiko Poland and SDGs - our strategy to contribute to SDGs

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